
Roslyn - How to create a custom debuggable scripting language 2?


A screenshot comes from Visual Studio 2015

In the previous post I explained how to create a simple debuggable scripting language based on Roslyn compiler as a service. By debuggable I mean that it can be debugged in Visual Studio as any "normal" program for example written in C#.


Roslyn - How to create a custom debuggable scripting language?


A screenshot comes from Visual Studio 2015

Sometime ago I decided to play a little bit with Cakebuild. It's a build automation tool/system that allows you to write build scripts using C# domain specific language. What's more it is possible to debug these scripts in Visual Studio. It is interesting because Cake scripts are neither "normal" C# files nor are added to projects (csproj). I was curious how it was achieved and it is result of my analysis. I'll tell you how to create a simple debuggable scripting language. By debuggable I mean that it'll be possible to debug scripts in our language in Visual Studio almost as any "normal" program in C#. Cakebuild uses Roslyn i.e. a compiler as a service from Microsft and we'll do the same.


.NET Developer Days 2016 - Grand finale


The time has come to summary .NET Developer Days 2016. I think that each conference can be judged based on 3 main factors: organisation, presentations, networking so I'll write a few words about each of these topics.


Do not forget about GO


Source: own resources, Authors: Agnieszka and Michał Komorowscy

Almost 4 years ago, I wrote a short post in Polish about problems that may occur if we forget about GO keyword in our scripts. I decided to write this post again, this time in English, because recently I helped to fixed exactly the same problem again. As a remainder, GO keyword instructs tools like SQL Management Studio, sqlcmd... to send the batch of T-SQL code to the server. Now, let's look at the following code that creates a stored procedure and tell me what is wrong here:

GRANT EXECUTE ON dbo.pr_Fun TO public