
.NET Developer Days 2017 - fresh information


*Disclaimer: This is a sponsored text.

Not so far ago I wrote that this year’s edition of .NET DeveloperDays is coming. Now, we finally know the full agenda and there are really many things to choose from.


Json.net also tricked me


Recently, I was tricked by Roslyn, today by Json.NET. My bloody luck ;) Let's look at the following two very simple classes. Class A has one readonly property and I had to define a special constructor to allow Json.NET to set this property. B is also simple. It has one property, this time of type A with some default value.


Roslyn tricked me again


A while ago 2 of my SpecFlow tests started failing on the build server. At the same time, on a few local machines no problems were observed. I also didn't find any exceptions in the log, so I decided to log into the server and debug a problem there.

Quite soon I figured out that the problem is in the algorithm that uses Roslyn to analyse and understand the code. Here is a simplified code that finds all local variables within a method body and tries to determine their exact types.