
Interview Questions for Programmers by MK #2


I prepared this question a long time ago in order to check knowledge of basic good practices.

Question #2
You have the following method which is responsible for updating a client in a database:
public void UpdateClient(
   int id,
   string name,
   string secondname,
   string surname,
   string salutation,
   int age,
   string sex,
   string country,
   string city,
   string province,
   string address,
   string postalCode,
   string phoneNumber,
   string faxNumber,
   string country2,
   string city2,
   string province2,
   string address2,
   string postalCode2,
   string phoneNumber2,
   string faxNumber2,
Do you think that this code requires any refactoring? If yes, give your proposition. A database access technology doesn't matter in this question.

Answer #2
The basic problem with this method is that it has so many parameters. It is an error prone, difficult to maintain and use approach. I suggest to change the signature of this method in the following way:
public void UpdateClient(Client client)
Where Client is a class that models clients. It can look in the following way:
public class Client
   public int Id { get; set; }
   public string Name { get; set; }
   public string Secondname { get; set; }
   public string Surname { get; set; }
   public string Salutation { get; set; }
   public int Age { get; set; }
   public string Sex { get; set; }
   public Address MainAddress{ get; set; }
   public Address AdditionalAdddress { get; set; }
   /* More properties */
Address class contains details (country, city..) of addresses.

Comments #2
You may also write much more e.g.:
  • It may be good to introduce enums for properties like 'Sex' which can take values only from the strictly limited range.
  • UpdateClient method should inform a caller about the result of an update operation e.g. by returning a code.
However, the most important thing is to say that UpdateClient method shouldn't have so many parameters. Personally, if I see a code as above I immediately want to reduce the number of parameters. This question seemed and still seems to be very easy, however not all candidates were able to answer it. Maybe it should be more accurate. For example, I should have stressed that a candidate should focus ONLY on available code. What do you think?


Interview Questions for Programmers by MK #1


Do you know series of posts titled Interview Question of the Week on a SQL Authority blog? If not or if you don't know this blog at all you have to catch up. I learned a lot of from this series so I decided to start publishing something similar but to focus more on .NET and programming.

This is a first post from series which I called Interview Questions for Programmers by MK and in which I'm going to publish questions that I'd ask if I were a recruiter. Of course they are somehow based on my experience as a participant of many interviews.

Question #1
What is a meaning of using statement in the code below? What would you do if using keyword did not exist?
using(var file = File.OpenWrite(path))
Answer #1
In this example using statement is used to properly release resources (to call Dispose method) that are owned by an object of a class that implements IDisposable interface. It is a syntactic sugar and could be replaced by using try/finally block in the following way:
var file = File.OpenWrite(path);
   if(file != null)


How to build predicates dynamically using expression trees


I'm working at the application which finds so called execution patterns in logs recorded by IntelliTrace historical debugger. An execution pattern is a sequence of methods calls that is widely used in the application and it is a kind of automatically generated documentation. The part of the algorithm is filtering of found patterns based on criteria like the length of a pattern or the number of different methods in a pattern.

At the beginning I used only 2 criteria so it was easy to handle all possible combinations of them i.e. use the first criterion, use the second criterion, use both and used none. Then I added 3rd criterion and I thought that for 3 criteria I still don't need a generic mechanism. However, shortly it turned out that I want to handle 5 criteria what gives 32 of possible combinations. This time I did it once and for all.

I decided to use expression trees to dynamically build an expression that verifies any combination of criteria. The code is quite simple. Firstly we need an enum for all criteria.
public enum Crieria : byte
    None = 0,
    CriterionOne = 1,
    CriterionTwo = 2,
    All = CriterionOne | CriterionTwo
We also need a class that will represent patterns.
public class Pattern
    public int FieldOne { get; set; }
    public int FieldTwo { get; set; }
Now we can write a code that will dynamically build needed expressions. I assumed that every criterion has a corresponding static method that knows how to check if a current pattern fulfils it or not. The final expression produced by CreateExpression method will be of the following form pattern => predicate1(pattern) && predicate2(pattern) && predicate3(pattern)....
public static class FilterBuilder
    public static Func<Pattern, bool> CreateExpression(Crieria filteringMode)
        var param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Pattern));

        var subExpressions = new List<MethodCallExpression>();

        if ((filteringMode & Crieria.CriterionOne) != 0)
            subExpressions.Add(Expression.Call(typeof(FilterBuilder), nameof(CriterionOnePredicate), null, param));

        if ((filteringMode & Crieria.CriterionTwo) != 0)
            subExpressions.Add(Expression.Call(typeof(FilterBuilder), nameof(CriterionTwoPredicate), null, param));

        //Other criteria...

        if (subExpressions.Count == 0)
            return p => true;

        Expression finalExpression = subExpressions[0];
        for (var i = 1; i < subExpressions.Count; ++i)
            finalExpression = Expression.And(finalExpression, subExpressions[i]);

        return Expression.Lambda<Func<Pattern, bool>>(finalExpression, param).Compile();

    public static bool CriterionOnePredicate(Pattern p)
        return p.FieldOne > 0;

    public static bool CriterionTwoPredicate(Pattern p)
        return p.FieldTwo < 0;
The code can be made even more generic but I'll leave it as an exercise. When I finished this code I started to worry about performance. It is critical for me because my application needs to process large amount of patterns efficiently. I made the following simple test in which dynamically generated and static functions are executed 1 million times.
var iterations = 1000000;

var predicate = FilterBuilder.CreateExpression(Crieria.All);
MeasureIt<Pattern>((p) => predicate(p), new Pattern(), iterations);

predicate = FilterBuilder.CreateExpression(Crieria.CriterionOne);
MeasureIt<Pattern>((p) => predicate(p), new Pattern(), iterations);

MeasureIt<Pattern>((p) =>
}, new Pattern(), iterations );

MeasureIt<Pattern>((p) => FilterBuilder.CriterionOnePredicate(p), new Pattern(), iterations);
In order to measure time of calculations I used MeasureIt method from my earlier post and I received the following results:
Total time: 54
Total time: 27
Total time: 18
Total time: 12
Dynamically generated predicates are 2-3 times slower than static ones. However, we are still talking here about dozens of milliseconds in order to make 1 million calls. For me it is acceptable.


What every blogger should do if using someone else's code #1


The developer's work very often involves effective re-using of a code that was written by someone else. Sometime these are fully fledged libraries or frameworks but sometimes these are also small or even very small pieces of code found on a blog or a forum. All this stuff makes our life easier.

When I use someone else's code in my project I wonder if it is worth writing about it on my blog. And sometimes I hesitate. Why? Because it is a well know library and there is a lot about it in Internet. Sometimes because I don't have time to write a tutorial. And sometimes because I think that there is no much to write about,that it is a small piece of code so everybody can understand it on their own.

Now, I think that it is a wrong approach. Maybe it is small, but I used it so it means that I din't have to design, write and test it on my own. Maybe I don't have time to write a tutorial but this code actually saved me time that I'm lacking.

So, what should I (we) do? Just write a short note on our blogs and say that we used this and this in our projects. At least in this way we can thank the authors.

To start. In WPF there is a class GridSplitter that allows user to resize rows and columns in a grid. However, I wanted the same functionality for DockPanel but WPF doesn't provide it. I decided that I'll wrote it but firstly I goggled for something like that and I found this article. The DockPanelSplitter class has 300 lines of code, it is not complex but works well. Give it a chance.


What I've learned about .NET from security recommendations for C/C++ applications


Some time ago I had an occasion to read about security tips and tricks for C/C++. I don't use C/C++ in my day to day work however it was interesting. I also started looking for information if these recommendations apply to .NET and thanks to that I learned a few new things.


ASLR (Address Space Layout Randomization) is a security feature introduced in Windows Vista (it is also common in other operating systems) that causes that locations of executables/libraries/stack/heap in the memory are selected randomly. For example it minimizes a chance to perform a successful buffer-overflow attack.

ASLR is not turned on for all programs but only for these that are ASLR-compatible. It is controlled by a linker option /DYNAMICBASE besides it can be enabled/disabled by editbin tool. By default this flag is set to ON in Visual Studio.

The good information is that ASLR has been supported by ngen since .NET 3.5 SP1.

VirtualAlloc vs HeapAlloc

Another recommendation says that in order to allocate memory VirtualAlloc method should be used instead of HeapAlloc because the later can bypass ASLR (for details see also this article).

I asked a question on Stack Overflow how it is implemented in .NET and the answer is that .NET uses VirtualAlloc. However, my understanding is that we shouldn't be worried because CLR effectively provides its own ASLR.


DEP (Data Execution Prevention) is another security feature that doesn't allow one to execute areas of memory that are marked as not-executable. i.e. they contain data and not code. Similarly to ASLR there is a linker flag /NXCOMPACT that enable/disable this feature and it has been used in .NET framework since .NET 2.0 SP1.

It is also worth mentioning that in practise NXCOMPACT affects only 32 bit processes. 64bit process always use DEP and it is not possible to disable it (see also this article or this article). As to 32bit processes, I heard the recommendation to explicitly call SetProcessDEPPolicy function at the beginning of 32bit program (also in .NET) to assure that DEP will be used.

EncodePointer and Decode Pointer

Everybody knows what are events and delegates in .NET and we use them everyday. The equivalent of delegates in C/C++ are function pointers. I was really surprised when I read that it is not recommended to use them directly, for example as callbacks.

Instead, they should obfuscated and de-obfuscated when needed by using EncodePointer/DecodePointer functions. It is a concept somehow similar to ASRL. The goal of this technique is to make it difficult to predict a pointer value and override it so that it will point some malicious code.

I couldn't find information if .NET uses these functions internally so I asked a question on Stack Overflow. The answer is that probably .NET doesn't use them..

Safe Structured Exception Handling

Simplifying, structured exceptions are exceptions on the operating system level. Every structured exception has a handler that is executed when the exception occurs. It is important that it is potentially possible to override an address of this handler and perform an attack.

Safe SEH is a security mechanism that doesn't allow one to do so by providing a table of possible handlers. It is controlled via /SAFESEH linker flag but again it does matter only for 32 bit processes.

It seems to me that .NET doesn't use this flag because I found this flag disabled in the make file of Core CLR. However, one of guys who answered my question on Stack Overflow says that .NET uses a table lookup for exception handlers, not pointers on the stack, what gives the same result as SAFESEH.