
Never ever update an event. But why?


I heard and read a lot about Event Sourcing (ES) but earlier I hadn't had occasion to use it in the real-life system. This year I got this opportunity :) For many years I was working with traditional architectures so ES + CQRS + DDD is like a new world to me. Very refreshing experience! I've already learned a lot but I'm still learning and discovering new things. For example, not so long ago the versioning of events was "mysterious" for me.


.NET Developer Days 2017 - Grand finale


It's time to make the summary of .NET Developer Days 2017. Let's start with the organisation aspects. Here I'll shortly say it was simply good and I cannot complain. The good example showing that organisers really try to make everything ok is a fact that a friend of mine was able to register for the conference just one day before the event (what theoretically was not possible). Now let's move to the presentations. Here I have much more to write.


How did my presentation go?


Two weeks ago I gave the presentation about artificial intelligences that write programs. Now, I got results of the survey conducted after the presentation and I decided to share some data with you. Below you can see the summary. The participants could judge me in 4 categories and 14 of them decided to do that. (Thank you!). I think that there were around 30+ people in total in the room.


NDepend - my point of view


Sometime ago I was contacted by Patrick Smacchia, who is CEO and a lead developer in NDepend. In one sentence, NDepend is a tool that analyses your code and tells what is wrong and can be improved to avoid technical debt. Patrick offered my a free pro license for NDepend. A few years ago I was using it so it was an interesting proposition. We agreed that if I find NDepend useful, I will write a post about it and share my experience. As for me it's a win-win situation.


CareerCon Warsaw 2017 - AI that can program



On next Saturday (30-09), I'll give a presentation under the title "Can artificial intelligence program?" at CareerCon conference. I'll tell about existing solution, their abilities and limitations. At the end I'll try to answer the question if developers needs to worry and predict what we can expect in the future. If you have time I'll be glad to see you! The presentation will be in Polish. Here are the links:

*The picture at the beginning of the post was created by Stephen Bowler from wakefield, United Kingdom (terminator) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons.


SpecFlow + .NET Core = problems


Since I started using SpecFlow acceptance tests, I think that they are simply great. If I had to select whether to write only unit tests or only acceptance tests, I would select the latter. Nonetheless, there is one important problem with SpecFlow.


.NET Developer Days 2017 - fresh information


*Disclaimer: This is a sponsored text.

Not so far ago I wrote that this year’s edition of .NET DeveloperDays is coming. Now, we finally know the full agenda and there are really many things to choose from.


Json.net also tricked me


Recently, I was tricked by Roslyn, today by Json.NET. My bloody luck ;) Let's look at the following two very simple classes. Class A has one readonly property and I had to define a special constructor to allow Json.NET to set this property. B is also simple. It has one property, this time of type A with some default value.


Roslyn tricked me again


A while ago 2 of my SpecFlow tests started failing on the build server. At the same time, on a few local machines no problems were observed. I also didn't find any exceptions in the log, so I decided to log into the server and debug a problem there.

Quite soon I figured out that the problem is in the algorithm that uses Roslyn to analyse and understand the code. Here is a simplified code that finds all local variables within a method body and tries to determine their exact types.